Brown paper bag with healthy foods tipping out of the top

The Top 20 Healthiest Foods to Eat

Whether you’re hoping to bolster your immune system, strengthen your heart, improve your mood, or sharpen your mind, incorporating some of the healthiest foods available into your diet will give your body the high-quality fuel it needs to help you feel your best.


When it comes to fish, salmon is a prize catch! It’s brimming with omega-3 fatty acids. Not only do these healthy fats keep your skin glowing, but they also help guard against cardiac and circulatory problems. In addition, salmon is an excellent source of protein.

A pan-fried or air-fryer cooked salmon fillet with a coating of dried mixed herbs served with steamed green veggies is an easy to prepare tasty and nutritious supper. It works equally well in warm or cold weather.


Members of the legume family—kidney, pinto, cannellini, and black beans—are a

fantastic source of folate, fibre, and plant-based protein. Kidney beans in particular are a good source of phosphorus, iron, and potassium. Best of all, you don’t need the forethought and hours of time to cook dried beans; all kinds of beans are just as nutritious right out of the can (just rinse them in the colander under lots of cold water, first)!

Enjoy a variety of beans (spicy for additional flavour) in chilli, or add them to burritos, nachos, or tacos. These meals generally make for a quick supper that is quite satisfying without leaving you feeling bloated.


No nuts about it—whether we’re talking walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, or almonds, nuts are a superb source of plant protein. They are also full of monounsaturated fats, which may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Sprinkle chopped nuts on porridge oats or yoghurt as a protein-packed breakfast. Or, keep a handful in your bag for a nutritious snack on the go.


Whether you serve it on toast or whip it into a dip, avocado is a real star when it comes to nutrition. It’s packed with monounsaturated fats, folate, and Vitamin B6.

Just half a small avocado pear serving gives you almost 20 percent of your daily dose of fibre.

Spread ripe avocado on your sandwich or toast for a tasty lunch or slice it into your rice bowl as part of a main meal.

Sweet Potato

The deep yellow-orange flesh of this root vegetable is a beta-carotene powerhouse. The darker the colour, the richer your veggie is in this antioxidant. The body converts beta-carotene to vitamin A, which may help slow the ageing process and reduce the risk of certain cancers. Sweet potato is also a good source of fibre, potassium, and vitamins C and B6.

For a simple, savoury side-dish, oven-roast diced sweet potato with olive oil, mixed dried herbs, and sea salt until slightly charred along the edges. Delicious with some lean roasted chicken or fish and a green salad on the side.


Along with being a great source of calcium and protein, yoghurt is also rich in active live cultures like Lactobacillus, L. acidophilus, S. thermophilus, and L. bulgaricus. These probiotics help balance out your gut microbiome to aid digestion and improve immunity.

Avoid flavoured or fruit yoghurts, which are often loaded with added sugars. Instead, buy plain yoghurt and add your own sweet toppings, like berries (defrosted frozen berries are fine here) or a drizzle of honey. You can also use plain yoghurt in place of soured cream or mayonnaise in sauces and dips.


High in fibre and naturally sweet, berries are jam-packed with antioxidants and disease-fighting phytonutrients. Better yet, they’re just as nutritious in their frozen form, which means you can enjoy their health benefits any time of year.

Stir lightly thawed berries into hot porridge oats to cool them down while adding just the right amount of juicy sweetness to your breakfast bowl.


When it comes to healthy foods, eggs are pretty hard to beat. These self-contained sources of complete protein are packed with 13 essential vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids. They are also among the best dietary sources of choline, which pregnant people should consume because it aids in foetal brain and spinal cord development.

Skip the high sugar and high calorie protein bars—hard-boiled eggs are a perfectly portable snack that will keep your blood sugar levels stable.


We don’t say, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” for nothing. Fresh, whole apples are full of gut-healthy anti-inflammatory properties. Apple skin is an excellent source of the antioxidant’s quercetin, an anti-carcinogenic flavonoid, and pectin, a soluble fibre. The sweetly tart flesh is rich in vitamin C to shore up your immune system.

Enjoy apple slices with a small dollop of nut butter. They also taste great with slivers of sharp cheddar and both these make great healthy snacks.


Besides being a brilliant source of folate, fibre, vitamin A, and vitamin C, broccoli is also a key source of vitamin K, which helps regulate blood clotting.

Quick-steam broccoli florets for five to ten minutes until tender – a great veggie side dish. You can also roast them with olive oil, sea salt, garlic, thinly sliced chilli peppers for a bold burst of flavour great served with feta cheese.


Lovers of Italian food everywhere will be happy to learn that tomatoes are just as nutritious as they are delicious. The scarlet star of sauces is particularly rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that becomes even more potent in health benefits after cooking and processing. Regular lycopene intake may help prevent skin damage, heart disease, and certain cancers.

Enjoy that Caprese salad when it is warm outside and you don’t fancy cooking – studies have shown that serving fresh, uncooked tomatoes with olive oil vastly improves lycopene absorption.


Though it looks (and cooks) like a grain, quinoa is the seed of a herbaceous plant. Not only is it high in fibre, but it’s also a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids and offers the same satiety and energy as meat.

Replace any grain such as rice with cooked quinoa for a protein-rich, gluten-free alternative.


Pumpkins go above and beyond a Halloween decoration. Just a single serving of this autumn favourite is packed with potassium, a key ingredient in heart health, as well as eye-loving vitamin A, antioxidants, fibre, and cancer-fighting carotenoids.

Don’t toss those seeds in the bin! A handful of roasted pumpkin seeds delivers lots of protein, fibre, and healthy fats, as well as magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and zinc. They also make a great salad or smoothie topper.


This heart-healthy wholegrain is more than just a breakfast table staple. Oats are rich in the soluble fibre beta-glucan and are high in antioxidants as well as the beneficial compounds polyphenols, which all together can help prevent obesity-related health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

Although quick oats are brilliant if you’re short on time, course oats are the least processed. They take longer to cook, but they also take longer to digest, helping you feel fuller for longer.


This ruby-hued root is a nutritional knockout. Beets punch above their weight in potassium, nitrate, and antioxidant content to aid circulation, lower blood pressure, and fight inflammation. They also contain fibres that act as prebiotics, which enhance the effect of “good bacteria” on gut health.

Blend beetroot, apple, blueberries, and fresh ginger to create a healthy smoothie with depth and zing.


For something that makes food so delicious, garlic also boasts quite the impressive nutrient profile. For centuries, people have relied on this pungent bulb to ward off disease and alleviate cold and flu symptoms. It turns out they were onto something right. Garlic contains antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal compounds that turbocharge the immune system and fight inflammation.

Crushing and chopping a garlic clove and then letting it rest for about 15 minutes before cooking it will release allicin, an anti-inflammatory enzyme.


Long considered one of the superfoods, spinach is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, and heart-healthy folate. Want to get the most out of this dark leafy green? 

Don’t eat it raw! Instead, steam spinach before serving to help your body absorb its many benefits. Baby spinach cooks and shrinks quickly once you heat it, so add a few handfuls to simmering soups and stews a minute or so before serving.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

A staple of the Mediterranean diet since ancient times, this fragrant oil is as good for you as it is delicious! Extra virgin olive oil is an outstanding source of vitamin E, polyphenols, and monounsaturated fatty acids, which promote cardiovascular health and combat degenerative diseases.

Drizzle extra virgin olive oil over pizza and pasta dishes for extra oomph, or pour a little on a plate with some sea salt and dip small amounts of freshly baked bread into it.


Pucker up—this sour citrus fruit is packed with powerful antioxidants, containing an entire day’s worth of immune-boosting vitamin C. The polyphenols in lemon might also offer anti-aging benefits. Add a sliver of lemon to your water bottle or cup of tea for a burst of vitamin-rich flavour.

Dark Chocolate

The cacao in dark chocolate has a high concentration of anti-inflammatory flavonoids, which are known to have a positive impact on mood, memory, cognition, and immunity. The higher the concentration of cacao, the stronger these effects are.

Choose chocolate that’s at least 70% cocoa for maximum benefits. A few squares are a great after-supper treat, maybe with some fresh orange or other favourite soft fruits.


So next time you stop by the supermarket, consider filling your trolley with at least some of these foods that are not only delicious but packed with health-promoting ingredients that can help you live your healthiest life.

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